Lenir Multimarcas - Brand Identity
Lenir is a store that works with products in the fashion, accessories, cosmetics and home segment. As it offers products from different segments, the brand should include them without favoring or disadvantaging any of them, the brand should encompass them without favoring or disfavoring any of them, this being one of the biggest challenges of the project. The main personality attributes identified in the brand are: modern, elegant, open-minded, reliable, creative and cheerful.
The solution found was to use the gift box, thus depicting all the products. Gift-giving is one of the oldest attitudes among the human species and has been a foundation in relations between people of all cultures and traditions. Gift giving is linked to altruism, generosity, gratitude and empathy, whether in the social, family or business realm, but which in some way, are connected to the connection with others, with society and with the community we are inserted in.
The tie used symbolizes union, happiness, energy and strength. With four points it represents the union of the family, the foundation for all areas to be in balance, especially the professional.
A solução encontrada foi utilizar a caixa de presente, retratando assim todos os produtos. O ato de presentear é uma das atitudes mais antigas entre a espécie humana e tem sido um alicerce nas relações entre os povos de todas as culturas e tradições. Presentear está ligada ao altruísmo, generosidade, gratidão e empatia, sejam estes no âmbito social, familiar ou empresarial, mas que de alguma forma, estão ligados a conexão com o outro e com a sociedade e comunidade que estamos inseridos.
O laço utilizado simboliza a união, a felicidade, a energia e a força. Com quatro pontas representa a união da família, alicerce para que todos os âmbitos estejam em equilíbrio, principalmente o profissional.